518-489-8945 fp@nysafp.org


Mission Statement

This commission shall design programs for developing leadership skills of members. It will also monitor the performance of members of Academy commissions and make recommendations regarding such performance to the president-elect for the purposes of making appointments to chair and vice-chair positions on standing commissions of the Academy.

It will present to the annual meeting of the Congress of Delegates one (1) or more nominations for the offices of president-elect, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, delegate to the American Academy of Family Physicians, alternate delegate to the American Academy of Family Physicians, delegate to the House of Delegates of the Medical Society of the State of New York, and one (1) or more nominations, for each of two (2) directors; speaker and vice speaker of the Congress of Delegates. Such nominations shall be published at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting of the Congress of Delegates. Recommendations from component county chapters or self-nominations from members from inactive county chapters, for the offices listed above shall be submitted to the Commission at least 60 days in advance of the annual meeting of the Congress. At least 30 days before the Congress, the commission shall publish its slate of officers. Nothing herein shall be construed as preventing nominations from the floor at the time of the annual meeting of the Congress of Delegates. Any member of the commission who is considered for candidacy shall excuse themselves from any discussion and action by the commission regarding such candidacy.

Leadership Commission Programs and Opportunities

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Commission Members

Chair: Wesley Ho, MD
Vice Chair: Marten Peterson, MD
Advisor: Marc Price, DO
Member (3rd year): Lovedhi Aggarwal, MD
Member (3rd year): Aldo Alleva, MD
Member (3rd year): Resident Sarah Markland, DO
Member (3rd year): Resident Brianna Sarowa, MD
Member (2nd year): Anubhav Agarwal, MD
Member (2nd year): Resident Irshad Ally, MD
Member (2nd year): Jun David, MD
Member (2nd year): Resident Regine Vincent, MD
Member (1st year): Richard Carlino, MD
Member (1st year): Lisa Feng, MD
Member (1st year): Liana Greer, MD
Member (1st year): Suganya Mahinthan, MD
Resident: Hannah Bender, MD
Resident: Fatima Khan, MBBS
Student: Christine Hochen
Student: Carl Braun
Student: Chikaima Nwogwugwo, MS
Staff: Deborah Ingram